From January the 13th to May the 3rd at Palazzo del Governatore in Parma will take place the exhibition “Time Machine. Vedere e sperimentare il tempo”. The theme will be the relationship between time and media and how the media have changed the time perception.

In fact, media have the potentiality to show us time in all its shapes:  #NOW, #NEVER, either #BACKWARD or #FORWARD. Media can create a time that does not exist as for time-lapse and rallenting; they make us able to have extraordinary trips fixing what went wrong in the past and foreseeing what will be our future.

“Time Machine” will offer an immersive journey with photos and film extracts, thanks to an idea of Michele Guerra curated by Antonio Somaini, with Eline Grignard and Marie Rebecchi.

So are you ready to start this time travel?


To discover more: http://turismo.comune.parma.it/it/canali-tematici/eventi/manifestazioni-e-iniziative/mostre/time-machine-vedere-e-sperimentare-il-tempo